So How Do We Do It?
At Raising Smiles, we achieve our goals by working closely with the many specialist children’s wards throughout the UK to provide the things that they need to support the children whilst they are recovering that will make them smile – toys, games, books, music, days out where possible, you name it and we can try and get it! Take a look at our Alphabet of Smiles to see the kind of things that we will be providing, but remember that these are just suggestions; every child is different and has a favourite thing that raises a smile so between the families of the children, the hospitals and ourselves, we will try and make sure that we can make it possible.
But the donations that Raising Smiles are able to make are the end result of not only our work, but more importantly, yours! We rely entirely on the support and donations we receive from volunteers, individuals and businesses throughout the UK who share our dream of making life as happy as possible for hospitalised children.
But the donations that Raising Smiles are able to make are the end result of not only our work, but more importantly, yours! We rely entirely on the support and donations we receive from volunteers, individuals and businesses throughout the UK who share our dream of making life as happy as possible for hospitalised children.
Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.
– Dalai Lama
Our Mission
Raising Smiles says it all! The charity exists to put smiles on the faces of babies, children and young adults all over the UK by purchasing and delivering their favourite toys, games, technology, books, music, special visits, day trips…the list is as long as the needs of the children we help! We aim to assist their recovery with play therapy and the positivity that comes from being happy and focused on things that make them smile.

Our Vision
Through the support of volunteers, donations and business sponsorship we would like to make regular donations to every children’s ward and hospice in the United Kingdom over the next two years. We know we can do it and will work as hard as it takes to realise this vision so that the anxiety, pain and confusion of children being in hospital and away from their normal life is alleviated with fun and happy memories.